24 March 2009

Check out this weeks podcast...

This week the message about grace and was based on Eph 2:4-5 and Luke 15:11-32. See the grace that we give out is cheap grace, but the grace of God brings new life, new desires, and new hope/ peace. We need to stop focusing on our disqualifications and focus on his affections and delight in us.  

02 March 2009


At CMCC, we want to put Jesus first, help other people, and live out Titus 2:1 everyday. Today, so many churches teach pop-cultural psychology; Dr. Phil's 5 minute analogy and questions meets Harpo's heart felt discussions. The church leaders need a kick in the pants and get back to the basics. This is why, at CMCC, we are spending '09 learning about the foundations of the Christian faith. With the "No Perfect People Allowed/ Come as you are" culture, we have created a safe place for you to explore faith.
So, bring a friend and join us on Sunday's or Wednesdays to see how Scritpure relates to your life in a real, messy, and raw way to bring about authentic transformation.

The Revv

No Perfect People Allowed: Tell everyone you know!
We are a missional church; people helping other people.
Check out our website: Click on the logo!

23 February 2009


Well do you? Most of our member are on facebook; we have found that this and texting is the best way to keep intouch. You're welcome to join us on our Case Mountain Community group. We would love to get to know you, please contact me at 860.965.5273. Be good and be blessed.

29 November 2008

A Sign

Would you be willing to put a sign in your yard? If you are able, please contact me 860.965.5273, and I will put it in your yard. Lets get the word out. Help us help others!

Please join us this Sunday for Worship in Manchester, CT at Orange Hall.
No Perfect People Allowed: Tell everyone you know!

We are a missional church; people helping other people.
Check out our website: Click on the logo!

24 November 2008

be one make one

In order to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ, we must make disciples. In the Rev's newest podcast, he talks about making disciples. Will you take a half an hour to listen to this message? What will you do next? Will you go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).

17 November 2008


In this new podcast "The Rev" reveals the future of Case Mountain Community Church. What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? What will it look like for the future of CMCC? What is God going to do in and through us in the next year and the next 3 years? What will he do through His Church? Enjoy the podcast!

20 October 2008

New Podcast

Hey Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed Stevo's message on Identifying Crisis; Spiritual Fruits. His next podcast is about disciplines that help us die to live (John 12:24) to bear fruit and glorify God. Enjoy this sermon on six basic ways to obey God and worship him in all you do.

Please join us this Sunday for Worship in Manchester, CT at Orange Hall.
No Perfect People Allowed: Tell everyone you know!

We are a missional church; people helping other people.
Check out our website: Click on the logo!

Join us on the journey!